Seawater Treatment Module

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Seawater Treatment Module

The module is 3 level, 32 x 20 x 16 m (LxWxH), weighing 1560 tons with the FPSO MSS interface structure built into the first level.


F&C’s scope is to review Client’s preliminary design 3D models and consult to reach the final structural design capable of supporting the equipment for operations, storms, lift, transit and other cases.  F&C optimizes design based on detailed structural analysis to minimize structural weight and cost for the full range of cases:

  • Loadout from fabrication yard
  • Single point lift for installation on FPSO
  • Operations with all liquid loads, operating winds and ship motions
  • Storm winds and ship motions (non-operating)
  • Ship damage condition in 30 degree tilted position
  • Ship disconnect and sea transit wind and motions to safe harbor

Project Details


Gulf of Mexico – Bay of Campeche


Structural Design Optimization

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